Cisco ASA Services Module
Related Documentation
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For multiple context mode, if you place the MSFC or router behind the ASASM, you should only
connect it to a single context. If you connect it to multiple contexts, the MSFC/router will route
between the contexts, which might not be your intention. The typical scenario for multiple contexts is
to use a router in front of all the contexts to route between the Internet and the switched networks.
VLAN 100
VLAN 300
VLAN 303
VLAN 301
Context A
VLAN 302
Context C
Context B
VLAN 200
VLAN 201
VLAN 202
VLAN 203
Customer A
Customer C
Customer B
2 Verifying the Module Installation
Verify that the switch acknowledges the ASASM and has brought it online. (If you need to install your
ASASM, see the module installation guide on Cisco.com.) Enter the following command to ensure that
the Status column shows “Ok” for the ASASM:
show module [switch {1 |2}] [mod-num | all]
For a switch in a VSS, enter the switch argument.
For example:
Router# show module
Mod Ports Card Type
Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
3 ASA Service Module
Fw Sw
Mod MAC addresses
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------
2 0022.bdd4.016f to 0022.bdd4.017e 0.201 12.2(2010080 12.2(2010121 Ok
3 Assigning VLANs to the ASA Services Module
The ASASM does not include any external physical interfaces. Instead, it uses VLAN interfaces passed
down from the supervisor. Perform the following steps at the switch CLI to pass down VLANs from
the supervisor:
firewall vlan-groupfirewall_group_num vlan_range
Step 1
Step 2
Assigns VLANs to a firewall
Router(config)# firewall vlan-group 50 55-57
Router(config)# firewall vlan-group 51 58-63
Router(config)# firewall vlan-group 52 64,66-74
firewall [switch {1 |2}] module module_number
vlan-group firewall_group_num
Assigns the firewall groups to the
ASASM. For a switch in a VSS,
enter the switch argument.
Router(config)# firewall module 5 vlan-group 50,52
Router(config)# firewall module 8 vlan-group 51,52
4 Using the MSFC as a Directly-Connected Router
If you want to use the MSFC as a directly-connected router (for example, as the default gateway
connected to the ASASM outside interface), then add an ASASM VLAN interface to the MSFC as a
switched virtual interface (SVI). By default, you can add only one SVI; to add multiple SVIs, and
understand the caveats for multiple SVIs, see the configuration guide on Cisco.com.
Perform the following steps at the switch CLI:
interface vlan vlan_number
Step 1
Step 2
Adds a VLAN interface to the MSFC.
Router(config)# interface vlan 100
ip address address mask
Sets the IP address for this interface on the
Router(config)# ip address
no shutdown
Step 3
Enables the interface.
Router(config)# no shutdown
5 Logging Into the ASA Services Module
From the switch CLI, you can connect to a virtual console session on the ASASM:
service-module session [switch {1 |2}]
slot number
Step 1
Connects to the ASASM. For a switch in a
VSS, enter the switch argument.
You access user EXEC mode.
Router# service-module session slot 4
Step 2
Step 3
Accesses privileged EXEC mode, which is the
highest privilege level.
Enter the enable password at the prompt. By
default, the password is blank.
hostname> enable
configure terminal
Accesses global configuration mode.
hostname# configure terminal
Logging Out of the ASA Services Module
If you do not log out of the ASASM, the console connection persists; there is no timeout. To end the
ASASM console session and access the switch CLI, perform the following steps.
To kill another user’s active connection, which may have been unintentionally left open, see the
configuration guide.
Step 1 To return to the switch CLI, type:
Ctrl-Shift-6, x
You return to the switch prompt.
Note: Shift-6 on US and UK keyboards issues the caret (^) character. If you have a different
keyboard and cannot issue the caret (^) character as a standalone character, you can
temporarily change the escape character to a different character. In Cisco IOS, before you
session to the ASASM, use the terminal escape-character ascii_number command. For
example, to temporarily change the sequence to Ctrl-w, x, enter terminal escape-character 23.
6 Configuring ASDM Connectivity
Because the ASASM does not have physical interfaces, it does not come pre-configured for ASDM
access; you must configure ASDM access using the CLI on the ASASM.
Step 1
Enables transparent firewall mode. This
command clears your configuration. See the
configuration guide for more information.
firewall transparent
hostname(config)# firewall transparent
Step 2
Do one of the following to configure a management interface, depending on your mode:
Routed mode:
Configures an interface in routed mode. The
security_level is a number between 1 and
100, where 100 is the most secure.
interface vlan number
ip address ip_address [mask]
nameif name
security-level level
hostname(config)# interface vlan 1
hostname(config-if)# ip address
hostname(config-if)# nameif inside
hostname(config-if)# security-level 100
Transparent mode:
Configures a bridge virtual interface and
assigns a management VLAN to the bridge
group. The security_level is a number
between 1 and 100, where 100 is the most
interface bvi bvi_number
ip address ip_address [mask]
interface vlan number
bridge-group bvi_number
nameif name
security-level level
hostname(config)# interface bvi 1
hostname(config-if)# ip address
hostname(config)# interface vlan 1
hostname(config-if)# bridge-group 1
hostname(config-if)# nameif inside
hostname(config-if)# security-level 100
dhcpd address ip_address-ip_address
dhcpd enable interface_name
Step 3
Enables DHCP for the management host on
the management interface network. Make
sure you do not include the management
address in the range.
hostname(config)# dhcpd address inside
hostname(config)# dhcpd enable inside
http server enable
Step 4
Step 5
Enables the HTTP server for ASDM.
hostname(config)# http server enable
http ip_address mask interface_name
Allows the management host to access
hostname(config)# http inside
write memory
Step 6
Step 7
Saves the configuration.
hostname(config)# write memory
Sets the mode to multiple mode. When
prompted, confirm that you want to convert
the existing configuration to be the admin
context. You are then prompted to reload
the ASASM. See the configuration guide for
more information.
mode multiple
hostname(config)# mode multiple
7 Launching ASDM
Using ASDM, you can use wizards to configure basic and advanced features. ASDM is a graphical user
interface that allows you to manage the ASASM from any location by using a web browser.
See the ASDM release notes on Cisco.com for the requirements to run ASDM.
Step 1 On the PC connected to the ASASM management VLAN, launch a web browser.
Step 2 In the Address field, enter the following URL:
The Cisco ASDM web page appears.
Step 3 Click Run Startup Wizard.
Step 4 Accept any certificates according to the dialog boxes that appear. The Cisco ASDM-IDM
Launcher appears.
Step 5 Leave the username and password fields empty, and click OK. The main ASDM window
appears and the Startup Wizard opens.
8 Running the Startup Wizard
Run the Startup Wizard so that you can customize the security policy to suit your deployment. Using
the startup wizard, you can set the following:
Static routes
Domain name
Administrative passwords
DHCP server
Network address translation rules
and more...
IP addresses
Step 1 If the wizard is not already running, in the main ASDM window, choose Wizards > Startup
Step 2 Follow the instructions in the Startup Wizard to configure your ASASM. (For information
about any wizard field, click Help.)
9 (Optional) Allowing Access to Public Servers Behind the
ASA Services Module
The Public Server pane automatically configures the security policy to make an inside server accessible
from the Internet. As a business owner, you might have internal network services, such as a web and
FTP server, that need to be available to an outside user. You can place these services on a separate
network behind the ASASM, called a demilitarized zone (DMZ). By placing the public servers on the
DMZ, any attacks launched against the public servers do not affect your inside networks.
Step 1 In the main ASDM window, choose Configuration > Firewall > Public Servers. The Public
Server pane appears.
Step 2 Click Add, then enter the public server settings in the Add Public Server dialog box. (For
information about any field, click Help.)
Step 3 Click OK. The server appears in the list.
Step 4 Click Apply to submit the configuration to the ASASM.
10 (Optional) Running Other Wizards in ASDM
You can optionally run the following additional wizards in ASDM:
High Availability and Scalability Wizard
Configure active/active or active/standby failover, or VPN cluster load balancing.
Packet Capture Wizard
Configure and run packet capture. The wizard will run one packet capture on each of the ingress
and egress interfaces. After capturing packets, you can save the packet captures to your PC for
examination and replay in the packet analyzer.
11 Advanced Configuration
To continue configuring your ASASM, see the documents available for your software version at:
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